Thursday, September 1, 2016

Star Trek Mac Makeup!!!

Anyways, near the end of the makeup lesson with Diana the MAC makeup artist, I mentioned that I loved the strong pigments of MAC colours - did she happen to see Chrisspy's Star Trek MAC makeup videos?

Oh yes, and we're launching that line today.


*picks up jaw off the ground*


Thanks to the lesson she just gave to me, I finally know what to do with the swirly colour palettes so I got myself Strange New Worlds... :)

I was looking at Kling-It-On, but the pearlescent colours seem a bit confusing to a makeup newbie like me - so I settled for Warp Speed Ahead lipglass.

Another achievement unlocked! I became the first Malaysian Trekkie to try on the MAC Star Trek Collection makeup! (At least, in the MAC 1 Utama outlet. And assuming Richard didn't try them on in SDCC.)

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Achievement Unlocked!

You know, some of us CDs enjoy treating our activities as some sort of game - hence the term 'Achievement Unlocked'.

(Yes, being "female" is just a game to us CDs, unlike for you TSes where it becomes some life-changing-thing in which you constantly find the need to distance yourself from CDs.)

Today I've unlocked a new achievement. Yes, I *still* have achievements to unlock.

Here it is:
I was enjoying myself figuring out the intricacies of flock(). Seriously, can't PHP just flocking flock the damn file handle between fopen r and w?!!

But I digress. (I digress a lot. It's called flight-of-ideas. Nothing to worry about. I'm not having looseness of association yet.)

In Starbucks. Then the lady come up to me and asks whether I'm Joanne. I say no and that's it.

Achievement Unlocked!


"What flocking achievement?" you might ask.

Well, somebody came up to me to ask whether I'm Joanne can mean 2 things:
1. She thought I was someone she met before named Joanne
2. She's waiting for a lady named Joanne whom she has not met before, and wanted to know whether I was that lady

See? I actually passed as a lady that was potentially named Joanne!

Achievement Un...

Wait, what do you mean "What flocking achievement?"

Oh, you didn't say that?

Heh heh... the voices in my head.


Actually that's not what they're saying.

Anyway, without make up, mind you! :)



Monday, August 22, 2016

Makeup Less...

Deciding to do something crazy - I'm out en femme WITHOUT make up! I mean, fully en femme - blouse, miniskirt, thigh-highs and 4in heels... WITHOUT make up.

Something quite refreshing and "freeing"... but freaky nerve-wrecking. I mean, how many of you girls (CDs only, TSes need not apply) have tried going full en femme without make-up? Scary, right?

Ok, it wasn't supposed to be crazy - I wanted to try out Bobbi Brown's lessons... but damn it, it now costs RM450!!! (Previously was only RM300...) And the sales assistant didn't seem that eager to help out either. Sigh...

So, having my obligatory Starbucks and fine-tuning my flock() and trying to decide whether to try MAC instead.

Oh yeah, a pic without make up and without filters. :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Be Careful What You Comment On

So, I was on Lazada and feeling bored and frustrated (coz I really really want that Kipling bag but have already overspent this month) so I decided to see whether Lazada carried any 'typical crossdressing stuff'.

Lo and behold, Lazada actually has ****** *****! And it had 2 reviews! Being the curious Jane I am, I scrolled down to have a look, and lo and behold, this guy (whom Lazada verified as a buyer) commented that he wanted an * *** and not a * ***, and HE USED HIS FULL NAME.

Being the curiouser Jane that I am, I decided to google this guy - and I found his photo, his family photo, place of work and his phone number.


Just be careful out there, ok?

(Photo for decoration purposes only)

Friday, August 12, 2016

Pokemon Gone

Seventy five percent of a score ago, I was a 20 year-old medical student who spent my free time catching Pokemon.

Yes, that's what eggheads like me do in between dissecting cadavers and studying about the importance of HMG-CoA Reductase and its inhibitors.

And I caught them all... except for Mew. A disappointment that I have not yet fully overcome.

But I got a cool Pokemon clock-watch-um-thing...

OMG, 90s hair with that top... *cringe*

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Suicide Squad

Well, in the end I didn't indulge in anything criminally insane, but I did spend an hour editing a scientific proposal, which would count.

I'm more of a Marvel girl, but DC does have its moments. Like the multiple repeats of Batman Begins. And Lego Batman.

And Harley Quinn.

There's something exciting about getting into the mind of Dr Harleen Quinzel. Or at the very least, putting up my hair in twin ponytails like Harley. The excitement that stems from the fact that she is completely unhinged and it's exciting to imagine myself as being unhinged and unfettered by social convention as well.

Oh, and listening to Eminem on the walkman helps too.

So I got to watch Suicide Squad today. I suppose DC was trying to pull a Guardian, but didn't quite work out. (SPOILERS!) I mean, the entire story was about Suicide Squad clearing up a mess made by Amanda Waller, which never would have occurred if she didn't form the Suicide Squad in the first place. (Already got a feeling what HISHE is gonna do...)

It was an ok movie. Not Guardian-good; but ok to watch on a boring Wednesday morning after editing scientific proposals. Oh, Guardians had Nyota, so it's completely unfair to compare Guardians and Suicide Squad. :P

Damn, I suck at writing reviews.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Harley and Me

I was a fan of LOTR before the movies before Tolkien was cool, and I bet that I was a fan of Harley Quinn before it was cool. ;)

That being said, the fact that she's in the same profession as me was an added bonus. Although it's the wrong specialty. But I get to be crazy during work most days as well.

Haven't watched Suicide Squad yet; but am pretty psyched (pun intended) to go immerse myself in some criminal insanity for a couple of hours - followed by Suicide Squad.