Monday, August 22, 2016

Makeup Less...

Deciding to do something crazy - I'm out en femme WITHOUT make up! I mean, fully en femme - blouse, miniskirt, thigh-highs and 4in heels... WITHOUT make up.

Something quite refreshing and "freeing"... but freaky nerve-wrecking. I mean, how many of you girls (CDs only, TSes need not apply) have tried going full en femme without make-up? Scary, right?

Ok, it wasn't supposed to be crazy - I wanted to try out Bobbi Brown's lessons... but damn it, it now costs RM450!!! (Previously was only RM300...) And the sales assistant didn't seem that eager to help out either. Sigh...

So, having my obligatory Starbucks and fine-tuning my flock() and trying to decide whether to try MAC instead.

Oh yeah, a pic without make up and without filters. :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Haha, social media is the thing I really dislike (seeing that life is so much better after I quit facebook) but yeah, still remember you. :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. In due time, ok? Bordering on pushy now...

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